Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Stop Harming our animals and Ecosystem !!

There  are  many things  that we do on a  daily basis that harms our  animals and  Ecosystem all  around the  world.

Such as:
Throwing  plastic into the ocean which eventually breaks down and fish think it is food, and choke.
Turtles and dolphins also get tangled in nylon ropes that are let into the ocean.
Any chemicals particularly from dairy farms that are dumped into waterways affect the things living in the water

(Dolphins stuck in rope  and fishing nets )

(Chemicals Getting into water  kills  fish and other Speices in the water)

(Duck With plastic around  it's neck )

Diffrent Levels of  diversity

Biological Diversity: Refers to the variety and number of different species in the world. The more different types of species living the greater the biological diversity

Genetic Diversity: refers to variety in the genetic makeup of the population.

Speices Diversity: refers to the different species in an area

We need to think before we do, we need to know the  consquences of our actions has  on the  animals in our ecosystem. We NEED to PROTECT them against harm not  harm them  ourselves.

Rebecca Thomas 2/8/12